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**********[email protected]If you have diabetes, check your feet every day, even if they feel good, and visit your doctor if you have a cut or blister that won't go away. This will help you maintain your independence. If you have diabetes, you have a lot to take care of, including monitoring your blood sugar, preparing healthy meals, finding time to exercise, taking medications, and attending doctor's appointments. Your feet could be the last thing on your mind after all that. But one of the best ways to avoid foot issues is with everyday care. Nerve injury can cause numbness, tingling, or pain in some persons, but not in others. Damage to your nerves might also make it harder for you to feel cold, hot, or discomfort. Life without pain may sound appealing, but it has a high price. Your body uses pain to alert you to a problem so you can take care of yourself. You might not detect a cut, blister, sore, or other ailment if your feet aren't in discomfort. If small issues are not addressed right away, they may grow into big ones.
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